Monday, January 25, 2010

My poem as Mcpherson woods and Freedman school

Photo 2
Mcpherson woods

The smell of gun powered
the dead bodies on the
ground the sound of
people yelling is all

If they had any housesense
they wouldn't send these people
out here seeing the elephant to fight

They made these woods into
a battle ground this is are
woods and they should give
it back clean just like it was
before they came

They don't care about the way
we live they don't care about
each other they came out here
yelling and shooting at each other

These people are crazy I wish
they would go away these woods
was queit and smelled great before
they came.

now it's just a bloodie death zone.

Mcpherson woods

Photo5 - school

Freedman's man school

As my doors open to start

a new day I see new faces

right away to me I never

seen such colorful faces

These people look different

talk different and act different

If only the paper collar man

would get to know these people

they will find that they are smart

harding working and fun to be around

They learn how to spell thier names

and mines I'm starting to see these

people as my family the days they

don't come i miss them it's dark and cold

when there not here.

with this change I learned alot

I learned to love and care about

people who don't look like me.

At frist I didn't know what to expect

but getting to know them I don't regret

allowing these children to become there best .

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What is it really all about?

Are people actions driven by money? Yes, some people actions are driven by money many only see $ signs and do not think about the reality of their actions. People often let their actions get the best of them so I'm pretty sure you but some money in mix people would act a little crazy.

Does money lead to happiness? I would say yes and no....... People who grew up with money it's just something they are used to having and it really like not a big deal and it really doesn't make them happy, but the things they buy with it would make them more happy then the actual money itself. People who didn't grow up with money would say money does lead to happiness. Until something else they want comes along that money can't buy.

Are the people that have money any better than those that don't? No ....... but some people think that they are better then others because of their money.

How do the wealthy get their money? Was it their work or others work that makes them rich? Some people get their money past down to them and the others work for it I guess it's called new money and old money.

Is it the responsibility of those that have money to share with others? No .... but they could get a tax write off lol but for real people who had made it could back and help the people who help them become the person they are now. They are not required to share their money with others but they could give money to places that help people better themselves or to their favorite school or charity.

Monday, January 11, 2010

10 list

Mianna Lucas
Top 10 Most Exciting Topics
1832 Samuel F.S. Morse designs improved electromagnetic telegraph. This holds a place in the top ten because this laid the foundation for the phone.
1849 California gold rush. This was exciting to learn about how there was a ton of gold in California at one point. This makes top ten because it also showed how California got its start.
1803 Louisiana Purchase. This makes the top ten because this allowed the United State to get a large part of its territory. This was an exciting topic to me because it showed how they only paid 15 million for all that land.
1804-1806 Lewis and Clarke expeditions. This also allowed the United State to acquirer some territory as well. That’s why to me this is also in the top ten to me anything that allows you to gain something must exciting.
1789-1797 George Washington was the United States first president. This is why he made the top ten because he set the bar for the rest of the president to jump. For him I would have to say that it had to be exciting.
1793 Eli Whitney invention of the cotton gin that help the southern states with production of more cotton faster. This makes top ten because this took some of the work off of the slaves. This had to exciting for the people in farming because they would make more money faster.
1800 Volta events electric battery. This makes top ten because this made a lot of things easy for us today. It’s always exciting for me to find out how things were invented.
1811 First steamboat to sail down Mississippi reaches New Orleans. This makes top ten because this was a get way to move people and supplies more up and the rivers and canal. This was an exciting topic because to me learning about this and it wasn’t boring.
1803 Dalton devise table of elements. This makes top ten because without this science wouldn’t make sense at all. This was an exciting topic because once again without sense wouldn’t make any sense.
1839 Daguerre invents first form of photography. This had to make top ten because this was the reason why we have digital cameras now. This topic is exciting this truly was the founding factor the future.

Top 10 Most Painful Topics

1. 1811 Native Americans defeated in Battle of Tippecanoe in Indian Territory. This makes top ten because to me the Native Americans were the one who had this land before anyone else. This to me is painful for Native Americans to lose something they had.
2. 1830 Indian Removal Act. This made top ten once again because this also made the Indian leave the land they have own and knew all there life. This was painful because they felt like people just came over to the land and started to take over.
3. 1838 Cherokee “Trail of Tears”. This made top ten because this when the European people really started to take all of the land and made the Native people run for their lives. This was painful to Native people because during the Trail many of them lose their lives, land and family. The only way they could stay is if they gave up all their values
4. 1850 Fugitive Slave Act .This made top ten because this was law that made runaway slaves have to return back if they were caught. This was painful for the slaves because most likely when they were brought back they would get beat or either killed.
5. 1819 Treaty with Spain set boundaries. This made top ten because this was painful for both U.S and Spain because this treaty made things worst between the two.
6. 1812 War of 1812.This made top ten because war is always painful. No matter who won people still have to fight and people get killed and things get messed that can’t get replaced.
7. 1818 Treaty with Britain set 49th parallel. This made top ten because evens through the U.S. and Britain sign a treaty. I know this had to painful for them to have to share part of some land with each other.
8. 1820 Federal government offers land at $1.25 an acre. This made top ten because they government didn’t want to sell the land for that cheap but they money for a war. I would say that it had to be painful for the government to sell this land for so little.
9. 1817-1818 first Seminole war. Once again I feel like anytime you have to go to war it is painful. So this made top ten because of that and also having to fund a war and find people to fight can also be pretty painful.
10. 1845-1847 Mexican War. This made top ten because this war was painful for Mexico because not only did they lose the war but they also lost there land.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

When is it right to fight

•What led up to the fight ?I got into a fight in 6th grade with this girl who was running her mouth. So I left the class to try and get away from her and when I came back she was still running her mouth so the teacher stop me from coming back into the class so we wouldn't fight. Then I went down the hall until it was time for us to go home . I was waiting for my friend to come down the hall when I seen the girl walking past. I tried to let but she said somthing smart and I punch her lights out.

•Whether or not your tried to avoid the fight and how? I did try to avoid the fight when I left the class and didn't say anything back when she was running her .

•The events of the fight? The events fight of the fight made me get home late instead of just getting on the bus and going home. I was know for the fight which I didn't like. I also had made a rap sheet with the people who deal fights and stuff like that.

•The outcome of the fight? 3 days oss 1 iss and alot trouble with my mom and dad .

•Did the fight improve or hurt your relationship with that person? At first it did hurt it but it work out for the best . She stop talking so much juke to people and we end up being okay with each other. Some people don't understand things verbal but you should also never let it get point to where you want to fight.

•Any lesson(s) you learned from the fight ? I did don't let people get you mad and somethings are not worth it. I aslo learned things could of been handle in a different way. I learned that things could of went worst I could of really hurt that person.